The Nutcracker Audience Feedback Survey

Thank you for joining us for The Nutcracker at the Benedum Center! We would love to hear what you thought of your experience. This feedback survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. All answers will be kept anonymous. Please follow up with if you have additional questions for the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre team.

Photo: Michael Henninger

Tell Us About Your Experience at The Nutcracker

Overall, how would you rate the quality of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre's performance of The Nutcracker?
How would you rate the value for the money?

Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements below.
The performance had an emotional impact on me.
I learned something new from attending the performance.

The performance made me think about something from a new perspective.
The venue felt inclusive to me.

I felt connected to other people during the performance.
How likely are you to recommend Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre to a friend?

Were you aware of the pre- or post-performance educational program (Opening Night Preview, Artist Q&A, Tea with Tinkerbell, Curtain Up!) for this performance?
If you attended the pre- or post-performance educational program, please rate your experience of the program from 1 -5: 1 - very valuable; 2 - valuable; 3 - somewhat valuable; 4 - somewhat less valuable 5 - not valuable

Audience Demographics

The following questions are intended to help Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre better understand our audiences. All of these questions are optional.
With which of the following categories do you identify? Please check all that you feel apply to you.
Are you of Hispanic/Latino/Spanish origin?
With which gender do you most identify? Please check all that you feel apply.
What is your age?

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.

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