PBT Open Air Weather Update

We have been looking forward to seeing you for our Open Air performance, but with open air comes the risk of inclement weather. Unfortunately, based on the weather forecast, we have made the decision to cancel our Sunday performances at 2:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. While we are unable to schedule a new date, there are still chances to see other organizations today and tomorrow, including the PBT Orchestra, during Open Air!

Why is this performance being cancelled?

Dance is a physically demanding and, at times, hazardous undertaking for our artists. Please understand that temperatures below 65°F and above 95°F present additional hazards.

Are there other performances that I can see during Open Air?

Yes, the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Orchestra will take the stage on Sunday, May 30 at 6:00 p.m. This is a free performance and chairs are available on a first come, first served basis. Read more about this program here.

See the PBT Orchestra

Additional performances by other local performing arts organizations will also take place on Sunday, May 30 and Monday, May 31. Click here to see the schedule of events.

I have reservations to the performance. What should I do?

Patrons with paid reservations may use the following form to select options for the value of their seats. Patrons with free lawn seating do not need to complete the form.