
  • Choreographer: Anabelle Lopez Ochoa. Staging: Anastacia Holden.
  • Music: Quando Corpus Morietur Stabat Mater by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
  • Costumes: Annabelle Lopez Ochoa
  • PBT Performance Date: May 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 2021. Open Air performances using PBT mobile stage at Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA.

Program Notes

For Lacrimosa, created originally in 2006 for the Royal Ballet of Flanders, Ms. Lopez-Ochoa found inspiration in the iconography of Christian art. The closing duet of the ballet is set on the last aria of Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, Quando Corpus morietur, sung by June Anderson and Cecilia Bartoli.