Instagram Takeover: Luca Sbrizzi

Newly promoted PBT Principal Luca Sbrizzi recently took over Yelp Pittsburgh’s Instagram to give followers a peak into the studio as the company prepares for the pirate saga Le Corsaire, onstage April 15-17, at the Benedum Center. Le Corsaire gives male dancers a special spotlight and features explosive leaps and turns. Check out a recap of Luca’s action-packed day behind the scenes: 


Video: Watch Yoshiaki Nakano “turn like a top” here

Video: Learn how to make Luca’s afternoon pick me up here.

Video: Luca signs off for the day with this impressive rehearsal clip



Video: Watch this signature Le Corsaire lift as seen by Luca Sbrizzi in company rehearsals!



Go behind the scenes with Principal Luca Sbrizzi.